Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barista Training

Barista Course DVDs

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Since buying my home espresso machine, I've been extremely interested in perfecting my coffee - from the perfect pour to the perfect milk... even to the point of becoming a home coffee roaster and trying my hand at Latte Art. Right now I've got my eye on a Latte Art course that has become available near me.

If you're new to the world of coffee and espresso, I'm sure you'd be surprised to know just how much there is to learn. There are so many facets to the craft of espresso. Here is a list of just SOME of the skills a master barista spends years learning.

Non-Milk Espresso Styles (you know... short, long, ristretto, Americano)Milk-Based Espresso drinks (Latte, cappuccino, macchiato, Flat White (Australian) to name a few)Milk Frothing (see Milk Frothing Tips)Grind AdjustmentPerfect TampingRoastingBlendingLatte Art - Free PourLatte Art - EtchingDrink Creation... lots more.

This is just a short list of the many skills a barista has to learn. For the home espresso drinker, it's nice to practice these skills and impress dinner guests and friends. Depending on your home espresso machine, it can be difficult to achieve the perfect pour (due to inadequate temperature and pressure). It might also be impossible for you to achieve the perfect milk texture required for free pour Latte art. In general, you need a mid-to-high range espresso machine. The cheapies just don't cut it when it comes to the finer points of espresso.

As for me and my Sunbeam machine, I'm getting great espresso pours... especially with my home roasted beans. Etching art is within reach and I can make some nice designs. Free pour Latte art continues to evade me, but I haven't given up hope. I know that my machine is capable... it's me that can't get my act together! I'll definitely try to get to that course this year.

In the meantime, I'll be adding regular articles to Coffee Makers Cafe talking about each of the above barista skill sets.

Aspiring barisa? Watch this space!

By Shona Lynch


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